upcoming activities

consultation hub

seeking your input

Chevron Australia is planning a number of offshore activities, and we're committed to providing opportunities for the community and key stakeholders to participate in the environmental approvals process, through ongoing consultation.

Offshore petroleum activities are required to be undertaken in manner that continually reduces environmental risks and impacts to a level that is acceptable and as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).    

To help achieve this, we welcome stakeholder input on our proposed activities, including additional aspects or potential measures to consider that could avoid or reduce impacts on people and communities, heritage values, and ecological, social and cultural features of the environment.

This consultation is also a requirement of the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) which ensures that Offshore Project Proposals and Environment Plans comply with the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Environment) Regulations 2009 before any offshore activity can be undertaken.

offshore project proposal

An Offshore Project Proposal (OPP) provides primary environmental approval for the whole project life and demonstrates that environmental impacts and risks will be managed to acceptable levels. It covers all phases of the project life from surveys, drilling, installation, operations, and decommissioning.

It is important to note that acceptance of an OPP does not authorise the undertaking of an activity. The authorisation of an activity is granted through NOPSEMA’s acceptance of subsequent Environment Plans, which involve further consultation.

environment plans

In preparing an Environment Plan (EP) for submission to NOPSEMA, we must identify and consult with relevant persons, and consider their input.

Relevant persons are those whose functions, interests or activities may be affected by our activities. This includes Traditional Owners’ spiritual and cultural connection to land and sea Country, commercial and recreational fishing, tourism, individuals or groups in local communities. 

The information below outlines our proposed activities, to assist relevant persons to make an informed assessment and to provide feedback to inform and enhance our EPs.

your feedback

We are gathering information that helps us better understand the environment: such as specific concerns, objections or claims about the potential impacts or management of an activity. For example, feedback might relate to environmental impacts and risks; control measures; monitoring environmental performance; values and sensitivities; or other relevant matters.

Fundamental objections, threats, social media comments, spam and petitions would not be considered as feedback.

For more information on the consultation requirements, please visit NOPSEMA’s website.

upcoming activities