Oliver Hull

Surface – Barrow Island

about the artwork

Surface – Barrow Island is a live simulation of the ocean surrounding Barrow Island controlled by a live machine learning weather system, drawing on historical data and predictive modelling. The weather data controls all aspects of the simulation, not just the weather and water conditions, and also directs the virtual cameras and transitions between shots. The predicted weather changes of Barrow Island are transformed into a film, which changes and flows like the weather itself.

The work connects the viewer to Barrow Island as a virtual reality as it self-directs through predicted weather.

Produced with the assistance of Black Shuck Co-operative.

artist statement

Surface – Barrow Island is designed as an ambient film which changes in real-time linked to the flow of the natural world of Barrow Island. Each day that Surface runs, directly connecting Chevron’s operations to its Perth headquarters, a new title card and credit is generated by the weather conditions, further referencing cinematic convention.”

about the artist

Oliver Hull
Born Boorloo | Perth, Western Australia
Lives and works Naarm | Melbourne

Oliver Hull’s practice grapples with landscapes as messy assemblages of media representations, ecologies and histories. His works are informed by research of sites where these categories knit. Often incorporating digital media, he combines methods that track, trace, simulate and sense, with more poetic or ambiguous approaches of knowing. This is done with the goal to think through messy relationships more clearly, not necessarily to make them easier to understand, but maybe to see them again.