media statement Chevron Celebrates a New Chapter in Australia’s Resource History

PERTH, Western Australia, April 11, 2016 - Chevron Australia Pty Ltd and its joint venture participants today commemorated the Gorgon Project - Australia’s largest single resource project – on Barrow Island in Western Australia.

Chevron Corporation Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, John Watson was joined at the Gorgon plant site by Australian Prime Minister, the Hon. Malcolm Turnbull; Western Australian Premier, Hon. Colin Barnett; the US Ambassador to Australia John Berry, other government dignitaries, joint venture partners, customers and Chevron management.

Speaking at the event, Chevron Australia managing director, Roy Krzywosinski, thanked successive governments for their bilateral support over the past decade and said today’s event formally recognised the support from all of our partners and the efforts of thousands of people involved.

“To engineer, build and operate this legacy project, we have brought together the best and brightest from Chevron, our partners and industry from all around the world. I thank them all for their dedication and for their part in safely bringing the Gorgon Project from vision to reality,” said Krzywosinski.

"The Greater Gorgon area is estimated to contain around 40 trillion cubic feet of natural gas resources , positioning it well to be a reliable long-term supplier of cleaner-burning natural gas for our customers in the Asia-Pacific region and Western Australia,” said Krzywosinski.

Krzywosinski added, “The Gorgon Project incorporates one of the world’s largest carbon dioxide injection projects aimed at reducing overall greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 40 percent or 3.6 million tonnes per year once the Gorgon field comes online.”

At full capacity, the Gorgon Project’s three train liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant will supply 15.6 MTPA of LNG for export to customers in Asia by cooling the natural gas to  -162 degrees Celsius (-260°F), the point where it condenses to a liquid. Liquefaction reduces the volume by approximately 600 times, making it more economical to transport.

The Gorgon Project is supplied from the Gorgon and Jansz-Io gas fields, located within the Greater Gorgon area, between 130 km (80 miles) and 220 km (136 miles) off the northwest coast of Western Australia. It includes a LNG plant on Barrow Island, a carbon dioxide injection project and a domestic gas plant with the capacity to supply 300 terajoules of gas per day to Western Australia. 

The Chevron-operated Gorgon Project is a joint venture between the Australian subsidiaries of Chevron (47.3 percent), ExxonMobil (25 percent), Shell (25 percent), Osaka Gas (1.25 percent), Tokyo Gas (1 percent) and Chubu Electric Power (0.417 percent). 

Chevron is one of the world's leading integrated energy companies and through its Australian subsidiaries, has been present in Australia for more than 60 years. With the ingenuity and commitment of thousands of workers, Chevron Australia leads the development of the Gorgon and Wheatstone natural gas projects; manages its equal one-sixth interest in the North West Shelf Venture; operates Australia’s largest onshore oilfield on Barrow Island, and is a significant investor in exploration.

1Total potentially recoverable gas from the Greater Gorgon area (2015)


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