work with chevron australia
supplier bid and contract opportunities

Investing in our suppliers and contractors helps foster local economic development and meet our business needs around the world.
Globally, Chevron has a commitment to build local supplier capacity and reflect diversity in its supplier base.
Chevron Australia is committed to providing full, fair and reasonable opportunity for Australian industry to supply goods and services,and works hard to ensure that opportunities for local suppliers and contractors are realised.
Chevron has already committed more than $60 billion to businesses across Australia as part of the development of the Gorgon and Wheatstone Projects, providing local opportunities on a scale never before seen in Australia.
Our commitment is demonstrated by our Australian Industry Participation Policy.
register as a supplier
Chevron Australia’s contract and procurement process is supported by Industry Capability Network Western Australia (ICNWA); an independent company that provides us with Australian vendor identification and qualified vendor information services.
When sourcing high quality goods and services, we assess potential vendors on the following qualities:
- safety record,
- cost efficiency,
- financial viability,
- competitive pricing,
- customer focus, and
- innovative business solutions.
Upcoming procurement and contract opportunities are advertised online via the Gateway by ICN platform.
The platform provides further information about the current opportunities such as scope of work, bid status and the contact details of successful vendors upon contract award.
As the services provided by ICNWA are integral to our contracting and procurement process, we encourage successful vendors to seek advice from ICNWA when engaging potential sub-contractors and suppliers.

Chevron Australia has implemented contractual requirements for Australian Industry Participation (AIP) for our Pilbara focused Western Australian projects and operations which include AIP Exhibit, AIP Standard Operating Procedure and AIP Requirements for short-form contracts.
modern slavery act
The Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) requires certain entities to disclose their efforts to address the issue of forced labour and human trafficking in their business operations and supply chains.
The law was designed to increase consumers’ knowledge about products they buy and the companies they choose to support.
Read the Chevron Australia Holdings Pty Ltd Modern Slavery Act Statement.