feature chevron supports aboriginal leadership in WA

 Chevron Australia Human Resources General Manager Kaye Butler, WAALI Co-Chair Robyn Smith Walley, Western Australian Governor Her Excellency Kerry Sanderson, WAALI Director Rishelle Hume and Chevron Australia Managing Director Nigel Hearne.

From left to right: WAALI Director Richard Walley, Chevron Australia Managing Director Nigel Hearne, WAALI Co-Chairperson Robyn Smith Walley, Western Australian Governor Her Excellency Kerry Sanderson, WAALI Director Rishelle Hume, Chevron Australia Human Resources General Manager Kaye Butler, WAALI Patron Colleen Hayward, WAALI Director Gary Smith, WAALI Director Angela Ryder.

We’re proudly partnering with the inaugural WA Aboriginal Leadership Institute (WAALI) to help bring together current and emerging Aboriginal leaders from across the State.

Chevron Australia’s partnership with WAALI will see them expand their successful Yorga Djenna Bidi program – an Aboriginal Women’s Leadership program designed by Aboriginal women, for Aboriginal women.

"Supporting the WAALI Women’s Leadership program is just one of the ways we are committed to help create and strengthen long-lasting economic, social and cultural outcomes for the communities in which we operate."

Nigel Hearne

Chevron Australia Managing Director

The Western Australian Aboriginal Leadership Institute (WAALI) aims to overcome Aboriginal disadvantage by building leadership and governance capacities amongst Aboriginal people, and inspiring participants to affect meaningful change within their families and communities.