feature chevron recognised as gold standard workplace

Three people sitting on a couch, the woman in the middle holding a certificate
Investing in the health and wellbeing of our workforce is a key part of who we are at Chevron, because we understand our greatest assets are the ingenuity and talent of our people.

For the fifth consecutive year Healthier Workplace Western Australia has awarded Chevron with Gold Recognition Status.

Wellness Program Coordinator Candy Lethridge explained interactive workshops, educational seminars and targeted campaigns are just some of the offerings which support workforce health and wellbeing at Chevron.
“Our Wellness initiatives include free yoga and Pilates classes, mental wellbeing workshops, heart health and ‘Quit Smoking’ awareness campaigns and a free digital platform employees can use to track their fitness journey.”

Candy Lethridge

Chevron Australia Wellness Program Coordinator

“We are also very proud to offer complimentary registration to the Chevron City to Surf for Activ for all employees and their families," said Candy.

"By taking the time to do things the right way, we are constantly aiming to improve our productivity, reduce high-consequence incidents and ensure we maintain a safe, diverse and inclusive workplace."

Healthier Workplace Western Australia is delivered by the Cancer Council WA in partnership with the State Government through the Department of Health and recognises Western Australian employers demonstrating leadership in workplace health and wellbeing.

Find out more about our commitment to health and safety >