feature driving better health outcomes for onslow

St John ambulance volunteers Renae Coates, Andrew Price, Jason McKenzie and Tim Dunlop on site at the new centre.

Working together to create better outcomes for the communities where we operate is at the heart of how we do business at Chevron Australia.

In the remote community of Onslow, work has commenced on a new St John ambulance sub-centre thanks to contributions from the Shire of Ashburton, the Western Australian State Government and Chevron Australia.

The Chevron-operated Wheatstone natural gas facility has contributed more than $250 million to social and critical infrastructure projects that are upgrading health, education and recreation services and facilities in Onslow, as well as road, power and water infrastructure.

The new facility will include a large four bay garage with drive through capacity and improved amenities for staff, volunteers and first aid participants.

St John Head of Country Operations Justin Fonte said while the existing sub-centre facility has served the community well for many years, upgrades were required to better meet community needs.

“This move means we can grow the capacity of the volunteer ambulance service and provide better facilities for volunteer and first aid training.

“Currently, St John ambulance volunteers attend around 150 call outs a year, but this new build will give us the capacity to encourage and recruit more volunteers and be prepared for any increase in demand going forward,” said Mr Fonte.

Wheatstone Plant Manager Nigel Comerford said the new facility will better support Onslow ambulance volunteers, who protect the local community on the frontline in health emergencies.

“The ground-breaking for this site underlines Chevron Australia’s long-term commitment to improving the Onslow community’s access to quality health care and emergency services.”

Nigel Comerford

Wheatstone Plant Manager

The Chevron-operated Wheatstone natural gas facility is a joint venture between the Australian subsidiaries of Chevron, Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company, Woodside Petroleum Limited and Kyushu Electric Power Company, together with PE Wheatstone Pty Ltd, part owned by JERA.

Find out more about how we are supporting the Onslow community >