feature powering onslow

The Chevron-operated Wheatstone natural gas facility has helped provide access to affordable, reliable, ever-cleaner energy in the community of Onslow through a solar and natural gas powered microgrid.
Together with the WA State Government, Chevron and its Joint Venture Participants invested in a pilot program that has seen Onslow become home to Australia's largest distributed energy resource microgrid.
The final stage of this program was completed last month with installation of solar panels on Chevron’s Wheatstone residential houses.
With Onslow peaking at 13.2 hours of daylight per day in December alone, there is no shortage of solar power able to provide an additional source of energy.
Wheatstone Plant Manager Nigel Comerford said the microgrid helps Onslow to remain a vibrant and sustainable regional community.
“The Onslow community is not connected to the Western Australian grid and has always had to be self-sufficient,” he said.
Nigel Comerford
Wheatstone Plant Manager
The funding has included a new duel fuel power station, undergrounding of the high voltage network into Onslow, undergrounding of the Onslow grid and delivery of the direct connected microgrid with Horizon Power, which includes the latest solar upgrades.
“Chevron is proud to help deliver energy security in Onslow through delivery of natural gas and the innovative microgrid,” Nigel said.
The panels will not only continue to reduce our carbon footprint, but also provide savings on housing operating expenditure every year.
Find out more about Chevron's commitment to providing affordable, reliable and ever cleaner energy >