feature chevron focus environment competition now open

2019 'Habitats' Years 11-12 winning image, shot by John Calvin Christian College Armadale student Luan de Mooij.
School students are exploring Western Australia’s unique biodiversity through the camera lens as part of the 2021 Chevron Focus Environment Competition.
Chevron Australia has supported the annual photography competition since 2003, which aims to increase awareness among young Australians of the need to safeguard ecosystems for future generations.
Open to all WA primary and secondary students until 24 September, Focus Environment includes three subject categories reflecting Chevron’s core value of protecting people and the environment:
- Focus on WA's native species
- Focus on WA's habitats and ecosystems; and
- Focus on Sustainability in WA

2020 'Sustainability' Year 7-10 winning image, shot by Australian Christian College Southlands student Ebony Barker.
Winners and their schools will share in almost $25,000 of available cash prizes, with prizes awarded for Years Kindergarten-2, 3-6, 7-10 and 11-12. Focus Environment also provides students and teachers with a range of education resources linked to the curriculum.
All finalists go in the running to win the prestigious Harry Butler Award, presented to one outstanding entry in memory of conservationist Dr Harry Butler.
When Chevron first stepped on to Barrow Island more than 50 years ago, accompanying them was an enthusiastic young conservationist named Harry Butler. Harry was instrumental in instilling a culture of environmental awareness on Barrow Island – a Class A Nature Reserve – and pioneering many components of Chevron’s world-class environmental management.
The Chevron Focus Environment competition is delivered in partnership with Seven West Media. A selection of winning entries will be published in The West Australian ED! Magazine on 9 November.
Learn more and enter the Chevron Focus Environment Competition