feature expanded agreement enhances opportunities for onslow students

Minister for Education, Hon Dr Tony Buti MLA, joined representatives from Chevron Australia, the Department of Education, Swan District Football Club, AusEarth, Telethon Speech & Hearing and the Shire of Ashburton.
Onslow School students will have access to increased resources to support academic achievement, career pathways and their wellbeing, following expansion of the Onslow Education Collaboration (OEC) partnership with Chevron Australia.
The OEC seeks to provide Onslow students with educational opportunities on par with those in metropolitan areas through delivering additional learning and support resources to Onslow School.
The expanded partnership includes the addition of a Student Support Officer, providing wellbeing and guidance to local students to increase attendance and support their education and overall development.
The renewal also ensures local students will continue to have access the best-practice ear health care, speech pathology and occupational therapy through Telethon Speech and Hearing, as well as support through Chevron’s other community partners including zero2hero, Australian Earth Science Education, Swan Districts Football Club (Swans Onslow) and the CSIRO.
The partnership builds on the long-standing relationship that Chevron has had with Onslow School, having provided support to the school since 2009.
Minister for Education, Hon Dr Tony Buti MLA, recently joined Chevron, Onslow students, teachers, the Shire of Ashburton, and our community partners to announce the agreement.
"This expanded partnership is an exciting outcome for the school and the wider community of Onslow,” Minister Buti said.
"Onslow teachers have been receiving terrific support from the team at Telethon Speech & Hearing to build the language, literacy and numeracy skills of students and I'm very excited to see this continue with the support of Chevron Australia.”
Chevron Australia's Onslow-based Corporate Affairs Advisor, Shawn Heiderich, said the partnership reinforced the company’s ongoing commitment to Onslow.
"The Onslow Education Collaboration Agreement is a fantastic initiative that underpins our ongoing support for local students and the broader community.
"The agreement ensures students continue to have access to additional resources, delivered through the school and by a number of Chevron's community partners, to enhance learning outcomes and support them through their school journey."