feature immersive learning programs aimed to address inappropriate workplace behaviours honoured with two AEP awards

AEP Excellence Awards

Chevron Australia was honoured with not one, but two, awards at the Australian Energy Producers (AEP) Excellence Awards held at the Perth Exhibition and Convention Centre last night.

General Manager of Asset Development, Michelle LaPoint, proudly accepted both the Safety Project Excellence Award and the AEP Chair’s Award on behalf of Chevron Australia in recognition of the action we’re taking to address inappropriate workplace behaviours through our Be an Upstander and Stand Up to Bullying immersive learning programs.

In acknowledgement of our responsibility to provide a safe place of work, including psychosocial and psychological safety, for our workforce, Chevron Australia has been working across the organisation for a number of years to drive sustainable and impactful cultural change and ensure that everyone feels safe, respected and included.

Be an Upstander training aims to upskill our workforce to identify inappropriate behaviours, understand their impact and build awareness of the role that we can all play in preventing psychosocial and psychological hazards, specifically bullying, harassment and discrimination, from occurring. 

To build on the fluency and understanding of inappropriate behaviours gained through the Be an Upstander training, the Stand Up to Bullying program was launched to enhance the individual and collective ability to identify and respond to instances of bullying.

Both the programs rely on the principles of ‘call it, disrupt it, report it or support it’. 

The training programs are delivered with the support of the Experience Lab, a corporate training provider, and feature interactive, theatre scenarios based on lived experiences at Chevron. 

While occasionally confronting, this interactive approach has proved highly impactful, emphasising the importance of collective responsibility in creating a safer workplace.  

In her acceptance speech, Michelle made mention of Chevron’s vision for a workplace where safe, respectful and inclusive behaviours are a key feature and said, “While our work in this space remains ongoing, the Be an Upstander and Stand Up to Bullying immersive learning programs are a significant step in the right direction."

AEP Excellence Awards

"This award really belongs to the Chevron Australia workforce, to the Upstanders, for their commitment to ensuring our workplace is free from inappropriate behaviours and for their courage to call out, disrupt or report these behaviours if they witness or experience them.”

Michelle LaPoint

Chevron Australia General Manager of Asset Development

These awards reflect Chevron’s collective efforts and genuine commitment to ensuring our workplace is free from bullying, harassment and discrimination and is certainly something we are very proud of.

Learn more about our commitment to ensuring a safe, respectful and inclusive workplace >