chevron community spirit fund

supporting local programs to achieve better outcomes together
We believe that we have an important role to play in helping local communities build a vibrant and prosperous future.
We do this by investing in programs which contribute to areas of health and wellbeing, education, environment and building thriving communities.
The Chevron Community Spirit Fund offers donations of up to $15,000 to not-for-profit organisations operating in the following Northwest locations:
Carnarvon |
Karratha |
Successful applications will align with one or more of our key social investment focus areas, and contribute to the following outcomes:
health and wellbeing
environmental sustainability
thriving communities
eligibility requirements
To be eligible for funding, an organisation must:
- Be a not-for-profit community group, Aboriginal corporation or government agency or department providing services to the community
- Be an incorporated organisation or affiliated to an incorporated organisation which is willing to host your donation on your behalf
- If an affiliated incorporated organisation is hosting your donation, you must be able to provide a letter of support from the host organisation
- Identify a project, program or activity that will benefit the community in one or more of Chevron’s focus areas and is not intended to replace government funding
- Demonstrate appropriate governance and capacity to manage the project and use of the funds
Proposals that do not align with Chevron’s focus areas or Chevron Way values are not eligible for funding.
Political contributions and business memberships, requests for individuals, requests for travel, study support, conferences, fundraising or medical treatment and requests from religious organisations for religious purposes are also ineligible.
The annual Chevron Community Spirit Fund grant application period opens mid-year, for approximately six weeks.
All applicants are notified of their application's outcome, with successful recipients receiving funding at the end of each year.
Applications have closed for 2024 and will re-open mid-2025.
congratulations to our past recipients
Baynton West Primary School | Dog Therapy for wellbeing
Carnarvon Community & Senior Citizens Club | Chairs
Dampier P&C | Library refurbishment
Exmouth District High School | Sensory Pods
Exmouth Eagles Football Club | Grandstand project
Exmouth Toy Library | Click & Collect Facility
Exmouth Volunteer Marine Group | Localised Weather Station
Gascoyne Community Services A Corporation | Let’s Talk Basketball Carnival
Hedland Junior Soccer | Marquees for spectators
Hedland Senior High | Literacy improvement or Media room
Karratha Volunteer Fire & Rescue Service | Bus
Karratha Women's Place | Mental Health Support
Little things for Tiny Tots | Connecting Communities Program – Northwest
Onslow Men's Shed | Tools purchase
Onslow Occys Swimming Club | Swimming instructors and training
Pilbara Aboriginal Health Alliance | On Country Yarn Event
Point Sampson Community Hall | Painting Community Hall
Reach Us Pilbara | Cancer Support Services
Self Made Girls Incorporated | Empowering Girls in Entrepreneurship
St John’s Shark Bay | Equipment update
Teach Learn Grow | TLG Rural Tutoring Program
Yawardani Services Inc | Equine Therapy
Yinjaa Barni Aboriginal Corporation | Art Bus
Yinggarda Aboriginal Corporation | Interpretation signage
ABC Foundation Limited | seed collection and community garden
Ashburton Anglers | Beadon Bay Bash and Mac 10
Baiyungu Aboriginal Corporation | Jamba Nyinayi Festival
Carnarvon Horse and Pony Club | Horse and Pony Club facilities
Dampier Surf Life Saving Club | Nippers and surf boat outreach program
Exmouth District High School | Parents and Citizens Association
Exmouth Horseman’s Club | Horse and Pony Club facilities
Exmouth Yacht Club | shared space / playground redevelopment
Julyardi Aboriginal Corporation | Hedland Aboriginal Strong Leaders; Their Stories
Karratha Community Garden | 2023 community garden activities
Ngarluma and Yindjibarndi Foundation | Leramugadu Liveability
Ngarliyarndu Bindirri Aboriginal Corporation | Yirramagardu Crew community horticulture project
Northwest Multicultural Association | multicultural experiences and wellbeing program
Onslow Volunteer Marine Rescue Group | Thevenard Island Regional SAREX (search and rescue exercise)
Pilbara Universities Centre | PUC community English programme
Robe River Kuruma Aboriginal Corporation | Jajiwurra Rangers fire trailer and safety
Shark Bay Community Resource Centre | resource centre play equipment
St John’s Ambulance Coral Bay, Exmouth and Onslow sub-centres | new ambulances and equipment
Swans District Football Club | Swans Roebourne leadership camps
SAFE Port Hedland | desexing animals
Volunteer Marine Rescue Service Port Hedland | volunteer marine rescue training