Ian Mutch


about the artwork

Ian Mutch’s mural Activity explores human connection through our values in everyday life moments. The work portrays elements of memory, friendship, food, music, creativity, work, leisure, nature and more. Filled with whimsical characters, a vibrant sense of movement and effervescent forms, all these details float together and coalesce into a wonderful celebration of our shared human experience.
Ian Mutch

about the artist

Ian Mutch
Born Durban, South Africa
Lives and works Quedjinup | Dunsborough

Ian Mutch is an explorer of beauty through nature, characters and details. Having lived in various parts of the world, Mutch draws inspiration from his upbringing surrounded by different landscapes, animals and cultures and creates work on a variety of scales using acrylics, aerosol and inks. Abstract brushstrokes and layered backgrounds are detailed with entertaining whimsical illustrations of characters, trees, birds, animals, colliding universes and patterns.